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To Make a Better World

Book cover art for To Make a Better World, by Joshua Michail. Copyright 2015 by Joshua Michail.Written for agnostics and atheists, by an atheist, this book tackles most of the issues in our daily lives to which religious people apply their bibles. It is a non-religious option, a guide for living life in healthy and intellectually honest manner. This book is also written in a straightforward and easy to approach manner.

Welcome to the official page of
To Make a Better World
, which is a handbook for life. It is, particularly, a handbook for living a good quality life as an atheist, or agnostic, in a secular manner. As an atheist, I was inspired by seeing how religion can offer its believers some valuable structure for the way they live their lives. Unfortunately, it often goes wrong, and horribly so in some cases. The thought had occurred to me more than a decade ago, that if I analyzed these religious worldviews to find out how and why they make themselves useful to their believers, I could better understand the nature of worldviews, in and of themselves.

        Of course, religions are not the way to go – fundamentally all of them are wrong because they assert claims that are not only extraordinary, but are also utterly lacking in real evidence. Yet, if one strips away the authoritarian dogma, and the supernatural basis of belief, and the superstitious reasoning, then one can see the framework underneath that makes the religion a worldview. And it is that essential framework, stripped of supernaturalism, mysticism, and dogma, that I've worked to build on to create a worldview of a non-religious philosophical model. This work, to create a secular worldview, has divided into two books, of which To Make a Better World is the first.

        While my second book, Mythos & Logos – planned for publication in the summer of 2016, is a work of argumentation designed to establish the philosophical model, this first book is a handbook with referential material that is useful to everyone, regardless of their philosophical positions.  In To Make a Better World I discuss society, psychology, economics & government, as well as morality, logic, science, and more. I even offered some self-improvement advice in the last section. But, of particular use must be the explanation of what science is and how it works, the discussion on critical thinking and the tools I offered to help hone one's abilities to think clearly. Additionally, there is a discussion on logic and debate, along with a list of fallacies with explanations, and a table of validity for inferences.

        In the chapters on morality I wrote up a set of modern instructions in the "Ten Commandments" style. I believe I did a good job at it, hell, anyone could come up with a better set of instructions than the biblical Ten Commandments. But, I've also created, what I've called, the Principle Directives which are like the Secular Decalogue, but in a positive rather than negative format, and they cover general principles that lead to a better life. I discuss, for instance, the value of honor and how it relates to one's behavior, to morality, and to the way one is treated by others. The morality I discuss in my book is based on Humanism, in which the central values are to reduce the suffering of people as much as possible and to pursue equality, justice, and opportunity for all.

        My drive to write this book is that I wanted to offer a rational and well-reasoned case for why we ought to do this or that. I wanted to offer referential material covering science, logic, and morality. It should be clear that the premise of every religion is inherently and fundamentally flawed, so my approach is through logic, using our scientific understanding, for building the views I discuss in the book.

Publication  Information:

Published  & printed in the United States of America. Availabile worldwide, with shipping from the US.

eBook format for Amazon Kindle first published on the 30th of April, 2015.
Estimated equivalent page count: 258 | File Size: 1.5 MB
| Language: English (US).

Paperback format first published on the 19th of May, 2015.

Dimensions: 5.5in (13.97cm) wide x 0.8in (2.03cm) thick x 8.5in (21.59cm) tall
Page Count: 324 | Weight: 1 lb. (453.6 g) | Language: English (US).

ISBN-10: 1-512-11589-4

ISBN-13: 978-1-512-11589-5

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Link to the official page for the book: Mythos and Logos

Link to the official page for the book: A Cabby's Tale

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